Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Pulling" on my Heart Strings..

Clever title right?

Ha. Not only did we have an AMAZING Valentines Day in the classroom, but we've also been learning about Motion...specifically about pushes and pulls!

Let's start with the Valentine's Day craziness!

A few days before, I made these cute little Valentines for my students! I've never had so many compliments about homemade chocolate pops! So cute. :)

For math that day we used Conversation hearts to practice tallying, predicting, and graphing! Props to First Grade Parade for creating such a great tool! The students LOVED it. :)
For Reading, we read one of my FAVORITE Valentines Day books...Love Splat! We inferred how Splat was feeling at different points in the book. The students then wrote an opinion piece about what they believed were the best ways to show love as well as their very own Splat the Cat!
**Usually we have the students cut and paste on their own, but our day was so packed that we pre-cut everything ahead of time!**
Finally we attached EVERYTHING for one stinkin' cute project!
Towards the end of the day, I gave the students time to pass out their very own Valentines. Many of them were hand made and I was SO impressed! By the end of the day my desk looked like this...
I felt very loved and very blessed to have such a fantastic group of students and parents! They literally are THE BEST! :) does look like about 25 pounds I would have to burn off at the gym! Haha. :))) 

Moving on...
Currently in Science we have begun learning about Motion. We began with the concept of Pushes and Pulls and man o' man did we have a blast!
We began with brainstorming what we new about motion and then read our National Geographic science text and came up with hand motions for specific vocabulary words!
Then, we did a little experiment! We made predictions as to how we could make a paper cup move on two pieces of string. The students came up with some pretty interesting concepts....
I then modeled all of the students of the experiment and the kids practiced pushing and pulling to make the cup move. They also figured out how to make the cup stop! So fun!

Finally, we reflected on our experiment. While I'm not much of a worksheet fan, I did like what came in our series. It allowed the children to explain how to move the cup closer to them and apart from then. They also had to reflect on the experiment as a whole! They did a fantastic job!
Next week we move into HOW objects move and I'm looking forward to creating opportunities for them to explore this concept.

Thanks for reading and stay posted for more!
--Mrs. Hunter



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