Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hi all!

Before I write a post on our first week back, I had to take a while to catch you up on our pre-Christmas break projects! There were a few things that were just too good not to share!

At our last class meeting of 2012, we discussed the meaning of the word PERSISTENT.
I knew I wanted to instill the word and concept,  for many students at this age have short attention spans for working through work/projects, so I gave it a go!
We passed the talking stick and shared how we could be persistent and what it meant, then they wrote it down. I have heard the students use it in their conversations with each other, with me, and have heard cute stories from parents on how it is playing out at home!


Here are a few!


I also helped the students write their own Mission Statements! I even let them trace them in "Special" markers! Who would have thought such a simple thing would get them going?! They are precious. Check em' out!

Here, this student explained to her classmates that to be a vet and help others learn about animals, she had to play pretend. I tought the kiddos the new word "visualizing" to encourage creative play!

I thought it was so cute how she spelled "through"...."thoow." Funny! 

Now I have to admit, teaching writing in First Grade has become a favorite of mine! My team and I are always trying to think of new ways to encourage writing, so this time it was "Publishing Pencils."
We bought sturdy mechanical pencils and had them edit and publish their Gingerbread stories with these special pencils. They also made their very own gingerbread houses to coincide (without me pre-cutting of course!)

So fun! I've never had a class so quite for so long! It was A-maz-ing!

These are a few!



I'm so proud of the progress my students are making and I can't wait for what is to come!

Happy Writing!

--Mrs. Hunter

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