Sunday, October 10, 2010

Small Sayings with Huge Meanings...

After being with my students for seven weeks now, I am realizing a change in their behavior, demeanour, and attitude towards being in school. Some may say that it's because they are used to the routine, that they are used to their teacher, and that they are getting consistency....while these aspects are true, I believe this change that I have seen is because of something bigger...something more meaningful...

Below I have written a few simple quotes from my students that reveal so much...that reveal the true meaning as to why I have seen change in each and every one of them. Enjoy!

"I love the word zip...that's a cool word."
Wow....a student appreciating the simplicity and yet complexity of a three letter word. To me, seeing and hearing a child say this, tells me that my students are understanding the importance and power of words. Success is ahead because they understand and are absorbing texts around them.

"I'm a writing machine!"
Hearing this made me chuckle a bit because I always use that phrase to compliment diligent writers. In this case though, it came right from the lips of a student who had been struggling to produce written letters and hear positivity and self praise was a clear indicator that this child now believes and sees that they are capable of writing, and writing well.

"Can we do more math?"
Umm..yes! :) As one who did not enjoy math thoroughly as a child, these words struck me as odd...for it was never a question that I would have asked. After pausing for a minute though, I see that this yearn for more was based on earlier success...this child was successful and was having fun. Who wouldn't want to do more if this were the case? Now I see that helping my students feel successful and engaging them in "fun" is what will keep them pressing on and yearning for more.

"Thanks Mrs. Hunter for letting us do this awesome painting!"
Who would have thought a little paint and paper could have developed such grate fullness? Through this comment, not only did I see a student that was polite and had a grateful heart, but I saw how kinesthetic experiences such as painting are of critical importance for students at all ages. Through this painting activity, I saw students taking their time, caring about their work, and more importantly seeing that learning can be done in more than one way...

"This is easy breezy..."
I suppose every teacher would want to hear this phrase..right? After teaching a what I thought to be a "complex" math lesson, I was surprised to see that my students had a different opinion. Instead of following the teaching curriculum exactly, I taught the concept in a bit of a different way...and what do you know? They felt success. This experience reminded me that my student's needs and how they learn should always be the driving factor in how I teach...not the book!

"Here, let me help you..."
I LOVE when I hear this, and I hear it often. My students have developed into leaders who help one another and who are always asking me if I need help! Amazing. This reveals that teaching leadership and character counts really makes an impact. I also believe that modeling this phrase has encouraged my students to try it themselves...modeling matters.

"Mrs. Hunter, let's check off!"
Every day after lunch, my students and I rest for a few minutes and "check off" on our daily schedule. A few days ago, a student beat me to it and reminded me that we needed to check off to see where we were in the day and what else we needed to accomplish! This shows me that my students are concerned with what needs to be done and are practicing Putting First Things First.
They are now understanding the idea that to be successful in life, we must work first...and then play! :) For if we do this, our play will be that much sweeter because we have worked incredibly hard. My students understand this, and it is wonderful.

"I love you..."
Relationships matter. The end. :)

What are your children saying? Pay attention to what you hear...words are powerful tools into the minds of all...and can be a clear indicator of their state of mind...

Happy Listening!